Covid-19 Safe Working Practices | Rothwell's Cleaning Services

Covid-19 Safe Working Practices

SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) working practices. – (Updated to follow all government guidance as of 4th January 2021)

At Rothwell’s we take the current situation very seriously and will be doing everything possible to minimise any risk to our customers, staff and community. We are following all government guidelines and have received training in infection control.

Below we set out a few of the extra precautions we are taking at Rothwell’s.

Extra Precautions We Are Taking At Rothwell’s:

Weekly covid-19 testing for all our cleaning staff. While no testing is 100% accurate (These tests have an accuracy rate of 98.1%) we feel this is a big step forward and will add an extra layer of reassurance for all. This is a big investment but a very worthwhile one as the rates that asymptomatic people are transferring this disease are unknown. We will review this as time goes by and rates start to drop.

Only Working When Safe To Do So.

We will only open for work when safe to do so. Current advice means we are currently open and operating all our services. This will be continuously updated and if we feel we need to, we will close for appointments again.

Last updated 4th January 2021 following government guidance that states you can entre peoples homes for the purposes of work.

Social distancing –

We will be social distancing from all our customers whenever possible. We are asking all customers to help us practice social distancing and not to come within two meters of us. It is preferable you use our appointment time to do your daily exercise and leave the house, you could also be in the garden or other rooms of the house.

We are social distancing at our office and yard. All meetings between staff will be taking place at a distance in our yard and where possible only one on one. Only key office staff aloud will be allowed in our office.

Hand washing

All our vehicles have hand sanitiser and all staff are regularly washing hands. We also have hand washing at our yard and office and hand sanitisers throughout our buildings.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

All our staff have face masks and disposible gloves. Our face mask’s are washable reuseable ones so we can protect our staff, customers and the enviroment all in one go.

Cleaning of equipment

All equipment used on a site we attend will be disinfected. We use disinfectants  that have been tested in accordance with EN14476, the European standard for demonstrating viricidal activity of a disinfectant, against the enveloped vaccinia virus, this includes Coronavirus meaning it will be effective against SARS-CoV-2 (better known as Covid-19).

Touch point disinfecting clean

After all appointments Rothwell’s staff will complete a free touch point disinfect clean, this includes but is not limited to light switches, door & window handles, banisters and furniture we have touched. We use disinfectants tested in accordance with EN14476, the European standard for demonstrating viricidal activity of a disinfectant, against the enveloped vaccinia virus, this includes Coronavirus meaning it will be effective against SARS-CoV-2 (better known as Covid-19).

Staff & Customer reporting

We will not be visiting households that are self-isolating and ask any customers to inform us if they are.

All our staff know about self-isolating and will not be allowed in to work if they have symptoms associated with Covid-19 (a new, persistent cough, high temperature or a change in smell or taste).

If you are classed as ‘clinically extremely vulnerable from covid-19’ we should not be visiting you at this time. For guidance on checking whether you fall into this category please click here –  

If you would like to talk to us about any part of our procedure please feel free to call on 01638 428 060.

Basic Information About Covid-19

Covid-19 is the name given to the illness caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2.

SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped virus, meaning it has a fatty like tissue surrounding it.

COVID-19 is primarily transmitted from person to person when in close contact, through respiratory droplets, by direct contact with infected persons, or by contact with contaminated objects and surfaces. The risk of spread is much higher with symptomatic persons but can also be spread by asymptomatic persons.

Reducing touching of your face reduces the risk of infection because if you touch an infected surface it still needs to enter the body which it can do if you touch your mouth, nose or eyes. This is another reason to wash your hands regularly, so when you do touch your face it is with clean hands.

Social distancing dramatically reduces the risk of spreading the virus because it reduces the risk of respiratory droplets passing from person to person.
